The Importance of Pet ID Tags

Not only are pet ID tags stylish now, but they are so beneficial to pet safety! Did you know that only 1 in 3 pets wear their tags all the time? Most of the time pet parents take off the tags for 3 different reasons. One, they think since their pet is never outdoors alone or without a leash, it is not needed. Two, they get annoyed with the jingling sound the tag makes. Or three, they think the pet is bothered by the collar and tag too much to wear it.

Research shows 80% of pet owners believe it’s important for pets to wear ID tags, but only 1 in 3 pets always wear a tag.

The ASPCA did a study on pet ID tag usage among pet owners. They followed 109 pets in which pet ID tags were placed directly on the pets by either an adoption agency or a veterinarian. Two months after the study began, 84% of the pets were still wearing their collars and ID tags. The tags that were taken off were due to one of the three reasons mentioned above.

And can you believe during that 2 month period 18 pets were reported lost? Seventeen of the pets were found and returned home. Ten of the pets returned were able to get home because the person who found them saw their ID tag and used the information on it! YAY! The ID tags worked to get these kitties and puppies back home safely.

It’s important to have your kitten and puppy start wearing a collar and ID tag early on in life so they get used to having it on at all times. We generally all adjust very quickly to wearing these and after a little while our parents don’t notice the occasional jingle from the tag! Plus, a little noise and a few extra scratches are worth it to return your pet home to you.

A lot of people have put a microchip in their dog or cat, which is great. But only a center with a microchip scanner can actually read the information on the chip. And anyone can read an ID tag. So for the most efficient safety measure for your pet, choose a pet ID tag. You can get one that fits our personality perfectly at a reasonable price at your local pet store. Happy shopping!

Matthew Scott
Creature Comforts of Charlotte Pet Sitting

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Lyme Disease and Dogs

Lyme Disease is not just something a human can catch. Dogs can catch Lyme Disease too! And now that the weather is warmer, ticks are out and about – yuck!. A bonus of the warmer weather though is that dogs get to spend more time outdoors, whether in their backyard, going for walks around the neighborhood, visiting a park and even hiking! This increases the chance of both humans and dogs to get bitten by a tick. And if that tick carries the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease – then both human and pup are in for a nasty ride!

Lyme Disease is the most common tick-borne illness in the United States. Ticks are most active during the month of July, but a rise in Lyme Disease cases comes in the months of May through August, when the weather is at it’s warmest.

If a dog contacts Lyme Disease, the main symptom is lameness. One or more of your pup’s joints will become swollen and painful to the touch. This can last from a few days up to several months, and it can have reoccurrences and flair ups even after the bacteria has been treated. Another common problem is kidney ailments which if left untreated can cause kidney disease. Sometimes dogs will also run a fever, lose their appetite and lose weight, and they may have less of a desire to be active.

Lyme Disease is diagnosed through blood tests, examination of the tick bite site as well as ruling out other potential causes for the symptoms. The vet may suspect arthritis is the cause of your pup’s joint problems, and may recommend X-rays to prove or disprove this as the cause.

If the symptoms are not severe, your dog can be treated at home with antibiotics and rest. If the symptoms are severe, hospitalization may be recommended. And unfortunately, symptoms may never fully disappear or may reoccur even after the bacterial infection has been treated with medication.

To prevent Lyme Disease in your dog, avoid being in known tick-infested areas. Also, there are a variety of tick-repelling sprays, collars, and topical treatments that your vet may recommend. And during tick season, it’s important to check your dog regularly for ticks.

If a tick is found, first restrain your pup. He is not going to be happy about what you have to do! You should use tweezers and grab the tick by the head as close to the skin as possible. Pull the tick straight out away from the skin in a slow but firm manner and be sure not to squeeze or twist the tick. To kill the tick, place it in a small bag with some rubbing alcohol. Clean the spot where you removed the tick on your pup with a disinfectant or antibiotic cleanser. Watch the spot and the dog for any symptoms of Lyme Disease and contact your vet if symptoms appear.

Thanks for reading everyone! Have a safe and healthy tick-free summer!

Matthew Scott
Owner, Creature Comforts of Charlotte Pet Sitting

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Proper Nutrition for Older Dogs

Did you know that dogs are considered seniors at about 7 to 12 years of age, depending upon size and breed? As a general rule, the smaller the dog, the longer it takes to show signs of aging. Keeping older dogs in tip top shape is of utmost importance so they can live a longer, happier life. One way they do that is through their diet.

Make sure to feed your senior dog specially formulated food for optimal health.

One easy thing to do when your pup reaches senior age is to switch them from adult dog food to the senior formula. Senior formula’s have special vitamins and minerals to help decrease the most common problems of senior dogs. As a dog ages, just as a human ages, their bodies change. Their metabolisms slow down, so it’s easier for them to gain weight. They can start to lose muscle mass, their skin and coat start changing, they can develop arthritis and dental issues. Plus as dogs age, it’s more difficult for them to fight off illnesses and infections. Feeding senior dogs’ specially formulated food for older pups can help decrease a lot of the common aging problems.

Since senior dogs put on weight easier than younger dogs, you need to pay close attention to their calorie intake. If you keep feeding them as much as you did when they were younger, they most likely will gain weight. Switching to a lower calorie food or lowering the amount of food and/or treats you feed your dog is the best way to avoid pet obesity. If you choose to lessen the amount of food in your dog’s diet, do so gradually. Like humans, your pups can become very hungry if you dramatically lower the amount of food they are eating.

And make sure your senior dog is getting plenty of protein. Not only does protein help your dog feel fuller for a longer period of time, but it helps maintain their muscle mass. Check with your veterinarian for specifics on the amount and type of food your senior dog should be eating.

A dog’s diet is important at any age, but by paying special attention to your senior dog’s nutrition needs, you can help him or her live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Matthew Scott
Owner/Pet Lover
Creature Comforts of Charlotte Pet Sitting

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Signs Your Cat Is In Trauma

As we all know, accidents happen. Oftentimes when people think of a pet needing emergency care, they think of a dog eating something he shouldn’t have or trying to jump over a fence and cutting himself. They do not often think of cats needing emergency care. Cats do get themselves into situations where accidents happen; they are just a bit sneakier about it than dogs. A cat is just as likely to need emergency care as a dog. Knowing the signs and having a plan of action is important to helping your cat in an emergency.

Cats can get themselves into plenty of sticky situations. My cat sister Tory is pretty trouble free now in her senior years, but I hear stories of when she was younger and mischievous. Cats love to jump and climb, which puts them at risk for falls. They also love to explore the world with their mouths (just like dogs) and may ingest a harmful substance. Bug bites, overexposure to heat or cold, or choking on an object are also common reasons cats need emergency care.

You may catch your cat in the act of the trauma, or you may not see the act but just the symptoms. Signs that a cat is in need of emergency care include:

• Excessive bleeding

• Loss of consciousness

• Difficulty or rapid breathing

• Rapid or weak pulse

• Difficulty standing or moving

• Inability to move

• A change in body temperature

• Pale gums

If your cat exhibits any of these signs, seek veterinary help immediately. If it’s during business hours, call your primary veterinarian and explain the situation. They will give you guidelines on how to care for your pet in route to the vet office. But sometimes accidents happen when the vet is closed. So next time you speak to your veterinarian, ask for the name and number of a good 24-hour emergency clinic near you. Keep the name of the office, address and phone number in an easily accessible place, like saved on your cell phone or taped onto your cat carrier.

Some cats are lucky and never need emergency care. But some cats are not as lucky. That’s why it’s always a good idea to know the signs of trauma and have a plan of action in place. It’s never a bad idea to plan ahead for the “just in case”.

Matthew Scott
Owner/Pet Lover
Creature Comforts of Charlotte Pet Sitting

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Dog Heat Safety Tips

June 20th was the first official day of summer and it is hot, hot, hot outside! If you are new to the South, then I hate to tell you, but the heat is just getting started. Temperatures in the 90s and above, with very high humidity levels, are very typical for Southern summer months, which generally last from late May to late September/early October. So you’re in for a treat (if you like heat!).

A lot of people think that pets can survive in any weather. The thought is that since they are animals, nature has taught them ways to survive. Well, that’s true to an extent. A dog or cat will seek shade if they are overheated, water if they are thirsty, and shelter if there’s a storm. However, even the most instinctual pet can not survive the heat wave we are about to begin. Pets can and will get dehydrated, develop sunburns and even suffer from heat stroke if they are not properly cared for during the summer months. But by taking some simple precautions, you and your pet can stay safe and cool this summer.

1. Never leave your pet in a parked car! Even with the windows down, parked cars can get dangerously hot in the summer, leading to heat stroke and even death.

2. Make sure all your windows have screens and that they are fastened securely to your home. During the summer months, there is an increase number of what is classified as “High-Rise Syndrome”. This is when a cat or dog falls out of an upper floor window as they are trying to get fresh air. If you have any windows without screens, or broken screens, leave them shut.

3. If you have a dog with long hair, you may want to shave them down to a shorter length for the summer months. But remember not to completely shave your pup or cat. Pet hair is a natural sunblock, so shaved pets are at risk for severe sunburns. You should not cut hair shorter than 1 inch from the skin.

4. Watch out for asphalt and other outdoor surfaces that heat up quickly in the sun. Pet paws can burn on the hot surface. Walk on sidewalks, gravel paths or in the grass and avoid asphalt during the heat of the day.

5. Finally, always make sure plenty of fresh water is available to your pet. If you are going for a walk, take a bottle of water for you and your dog. You should always keep a bowl of fresh water easily accessible for your dog when spending any amount of time outdoors this summer to avoid dehydration.

It’s important for your dog to stay hydrated this summer. Make sure to provide your pup with plenty of fresh water.

Stay tuned for more beat the heat tips. Stay safe and have fun!

Matthew Scott
Owner/Pet Lover
Creature Comforts of Charlotte Pet Sitting

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