A Cat and Their Litterbox

One of the main problems we hear about at Creature Comforts of Charlotte Pet Sitting, is about litterboxes. What type of litter should I use? How many litterboxes should I have?

Litterbox problems top the list of reasons for owners to give up their cats. It is essential to take into consideration the cat’s natural instincts when providing a toileting area for kitty. For example, it is instinctual for a cat to seek out a clean, easily-raked substrate in which to eliminate. (Studies show that the vast majority of cats prefer the sand-like texture of the clumping litters–though it is not recommended for kittens under the age of 4 months.) Cats also prefer to urinate and defecate in different areas. Consequently, you should have one litterbox per cat in the household, plus one. The litterboxes should be roomy (at least 16″x22″), clean and unscented, and placed in private, yet accessible areas throughout the house. For people without a lot of extra room in their house, a corner litterbox is a space efficient way to fit in that extra box. SmartCat makes an ideal box.

Many products sold in stores for cats are not suitable for cats because they do not satisfy the cat’s natural instincts. Hooded litterboxes are a perfect example. While some cats will use them, they defy the natural instinct of the cat to find a place to eliminate which has escape potential. If the cat is the slightest bit uneasy about its territory or about the people or animals who share its home, it will be reluctant to enter a box in which there is only one way out and in which it could be easily trapped. Hooded litterboxes also have an “outhouse effect”. The odor is concentrated inside. This may not be noticeable or offensive to the owner, but the cat has to step inside. The cat’s sensitive nose may reject the litterbox in favor of the much fresher-smelling corner of the dining room. If you don’t want to spend your days cleaning carpeting, take off those hoods and keep the litterboxes clean!

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